
Welcome to our fictional social network Veebr. Today’s goal is to create an account and implement 2FA. But first you need to download an app!

Why download an app? For 2FA, you need something you know (your password), and something unique - in this case a code generated by an app.

The something unique created through the app creates a “Time-based One-Time Password” (TOTP). The code only works once, and only within a certain time frame. You might already know the Google Authenticator app, which generates these codes, but there are a number of different apps that offer TOTP.

For this exercise, you need to download FreeOTP:

If you are already using the authenticator app, you can use this for the exercise instead.

Now that you have a TOTP app installed on your mobile device, you need to create an account on Veebr. Do this by clicking on sign up in the next page, and then just follow the process.